Icon Coloring Tutorial in Photoshop CS2

How to get the orange-red coloring like the images below:

1. Open your image, crop..etc.

2. Duplicate the image, set it to Screen.

3. Duplicate the image again, this time set it to Overlay.

4. Layer > New adjustment layer > Selective color. Use the settings below:
Reds: -100, 16, 85, 0
Yellows: -70, 0, -50, -33
Neutrals: 19, -11, -16, -19

5. Layer > New adjustment layer > Selective color. Use the settings below:
Reds: -80, -30, -23, -6
Yellows: -87, -42, -25, -35
Neutrals: 45, 0, -15, 0

6. Layer > New Adjustment layer > Hue/Saturation. Increase the master saturation to 15.

7. This is optional, if you want the image to look kind of yellowish:
Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid color > #010618 (a very dark blue) and set this layer to exclusion.


Still not satisfied with how the coloring turns out? Try any or all of these:
1. Reduce the opacity of the layer created in step 3 or set it to Soft light.
2. Adjust the opacities of the layers created in step 4 or 5.
3. Increase or decrease the master saturation set in step 6.

4. And if any of the above steps doesn't work for you, well...try another image ;)

1 comment:

Minimanic concept photographer said...

I have to say this tutorial has served me very well in alot of images I have made.. nice work!