Icon Coloring Tutorial - Enhance the yellow and red in your image

This tutorial will guide you through the steps to achieve the coloring below. Using Selective Color in Photoshop CS2, we're going to increase the intensity of red and yellow in a picture. Note that this tutorial might not work for all image though. Use it as a guide to create your own coloring ;)

1. Duplicate image. Set to screen 100%. Repeat this step if your image is still too dark.

2. Add a new adjustment layer. Layer > New adjustment layer > Hue/saturation.Set master saturation: +10 (increase or decrease the saturation..depending on your image)

3. Add a new adjustment layer. Layer > New adjustment layer > Selective color. Use the settings below:
Reds: -100, 0, +100, +100
Yellows: 0, -100, -100, 0
Whites: +100, 0, 0, 0
Neutrals: +23, -12, -31, 0

4. Add a new adjustment layer. Layer > New adjustment layer > Selective color. Set opacity to 48% and use the settings below:
Reds: -100, 0, +100, 0
Neutrals: +23, 0, -55, +30

5. Add a new adjustment layer. Layer > New adjustment layer > Levels.
Input Levels: 38, 1.13, 255
Output Levels: 0, 255

As usual, you may increase or decrease the opacity of each adjustment layer to get the desired coloring on your image.

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